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Remote Viewing
Cosmic Explorers: Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Messagefor Mankind
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. -
Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. -
Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. -
The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a "Psychic Spy" for the U.S. Military
Lyn Buchanan -
Tell Me What You See
Major Ed Dames -
Mind Trek
Joseph McMoneagle -
Remote Viewing Secrets - A Handbook
Joseph McMoneagle -
The Ultimate Time Machine
Joseph McMoneagle -
The Paranormal - Is Normal: The Science Validation to Reincarnation, Your Immortality and the Paranormal
Alastair Bruce Scott-Hill, B.E. (Elect) -
CRV - Controlled Remote Viewing Complete Archive of Relevant Documents
Daz Smith -
Limitless Mind
Russell Targ -
Limitless Mind
Russell Targ -
Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (Studies in Consciousness)
Russell Targ -
A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife - 4th Edition
Victor Zammit