The Dawn of Another Life - The Star Circle of the Spirit World
William W. Aber -
Experiences in Spiritualism with D.D. Home
Viscount Adare -
George Andersons Lessons from the Light
George Anderson -
Walking In The Garden Of Souls
George Anderson -
After-Death Communications
L.M. Bazett -
Beyond the Five Senses
L.M. Bazett -
Ghosts in Solid Form: An Experimental Investigation of Certain Little-Known Phenomena (Materialisations)
Gambier Bolton -
Anthony Borgia -
Heaven and Earth
Anthony Borgia -
Here and Hereafter
Anthony Borgia -
Life in the World Unseen
Anthony Borgia -
More About Life in the World Unseen
Anthony Borgia -
More Light
Anthony Borgia -
We Are Eternal
Robert Brown -
Conversations with the Other Side
Sylvia Browne -
The Mystical Life of Jesus
Sylvia Browne -
The Other Side and Back
Sylvia Browne -
Prophecy - What the Future Holds for You
Sylvia Browne -
Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications
Raymond Buckland -
True & Faithful Relation:What Passed Many Yeers btwn Dr. John Dee & Some Spirits
Meric Casaubon, D.D. -
Spirit Voices - Records of Spiritualistic Trumpet Seances Held in Christchurch NZ
H. Montague Crane (compiler) -
The Seeress of Prevorst-Revelations concerning the Inner-Life of Man, ....
Mrs. Crowe -
Spirit World: Its Inhabitants, Nature, and Philosophy
Eugene Crowell, M.D. -
The Road to Immortality - Description of the After-life Communicated by the late F.W.H. Myers
Geraldine Cummins -
Shadow Land or Light From The Other Side
Elisabeth d' Esperance -
Death, The Gate of Life?
H.A. Dallas -
Across The Barrier
Helen A. Dallas -
Death and the After Life
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Great Harmonia - Vol. I - The Physician
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Great Harmonia - Vol II - The Teacher
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Great Harmonia - Vol. III - The Seer
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Great Harmonia - Vol IV - The Reformer
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Great Harmonia - Vol V - The Thinker
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Penetralia: Harmonial Answers to Important Questions
Andrew Jackson Davis -
The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and A Voice to Mankind
Andrew Jackson Davis -
Clairvoyance and Thought-Transference - Auto Trance and Spiritualism
Dr. L.W. de Laurence -
Crystal-Gazing and Spiritual Clairvoyance: Behind the Veil - The Trance Sleep
L.W. de Lawrence -
How To Go To A Medium, A Manual of Instruction
Dingwall, M.A. -
Life Here and Hereafter
Charlotte E. Dresser -
Spirit World and Spirit Life: Descriptions Through Automatic Writing
Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser -
After Life: Answers from the Other Side
John Edward -
Infinite Quest
John Edward -
One Last Time
John Edward -
The Mediumship of Jack Webber
Harry Edwards -
Twixt Two Worlds:The Life and Work of William Eglinton
John S. Farmer -
We Are All Mediums
Odilon Fernandes (spirit) -
Voices in the Dark - My Life as a Medium
Leslie Flint -
Life Beyond Death - What Should We Expect?
David Fontana -
Questions Answered Extempore by Miss Emma Hardinge
Emma Hardinge -
Visits By Our Friends From the Other Side
Tom Harrison -
Incidents in my Life
D.D. Home -
Margery the Medium Exposed
Harry Houdini -
Soul Shift: Finding Where the Dead Go
Mark Ireland -
Genesis - The Miracles and the Predictions According to Spiritism
Allan Kardec -
The Gospel According to Spiritism
Allan Kardec -
Heaven and Hell - Divine Justice Vindicated in the Plurality of Existences
Allan Kardec -
The Mediums' Book - Being the Sequel to The Spirits Book
Allan Kardec -
The Principles of Spiritist Doctrine
Allan Kardec -
The Spirits Book: Modern English Edition
Allan Kardec -
The Last Crossing
Gladys Osborne Leonard -
My Life in Two Worlds
Gladys Osbourne Leonard -
The Messenger
Denise Lescano -
After Death What?
Cesare Lombroso -
The Astral City: The story of a doctor's odyssey in the Spirit World
Andre Luiz (spirit) -
Andre Luiz (Spirit) -
Array of Hope - An Afterlife Journal
Lynda Lee Macken -
We Are Not Forgotton: George Anderson's Messages of Love and Hope, Other Side
Joel Martin -
We Don't Die, George Anderson's Conversations with the Other Side
Joel Martin -
Psychic Diaries
Lysa Mateu -
To Woman From Meslom: A Message from Meslom in the Life Beyond, Received Automatically
Mary Mc Evilly -
Meslom's Messages from the Life Beyond
Mary A. Mc Evilly -
Practical Occultism: A Survey of the Whole Field of Mediumship
J.J. Morse -
Rev. W. Stainton Moses -
Spirit Teachings - Through the Mediumship of William Stainton Moses
William Stainton Moses -
A Biography of the Brothers Davenport
Thomas Low Nichols, M.D. -
Beyond the Veil: Being a Compilation, With Notes and Explanations
J.H. Nixon -
The Guiding Star: To A Higher Spiritual Condition - Sequel 2 to Rending The Vail
J.H. Nixon -
Rending the Vail - Given by Spirits through and by means of Full-Form Visible Materialization
J.H. Nixon -
The Life Beyond the Veil Book 1 - The Lowlands of Heaven
Rev. George Vale Owen -
The Life Beyond the Veil Book 2 - The Highlands of Heaven
Rev. George Vale Owen -
The Life Beyond the Veil Book 3 - The Ministry of Heaven
Rev. George Vale Owen -
The Life Beyond the Veil Book 4 - The Battalions of Heaven
Rev. George Vale Owen -
The Life Beyond the Veil Book 5 - The Children of Heaven & The Outlands of Heaven
Rev. George Vale Owen -
Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World
Robert Dale Owen -
Mary Anne Carew: Wife, Mother, Spirit, Angel
Carlyle Petersilea -
Private Dowding: The personal story of a soldier killed in battle
Wellesley Tudor Pole -
A Treatise on Physical Mediumship
Ethel Post-Parrish -
Flashes of Light from The Spirit-Land thru the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant
Allen Putnam -
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, Witchcraft, and Miracle
Allen Putnam -
Talking to the Dead in Suburbia - An Ordinary Woman with an Extraordinary Gift
Anna L. Raimondi -
The nature of spiritual existence, and spiritual gifts, given through the mediumship of Mrs. Cora L.V. Richmond
Cora L.V. Richmond -
Spiritual Spheres - Four Lectures Delivered Through Trance Mediumship
Cora L.V. Richmond -
The Voice of Valentino through Leslie Flint
Lynn Russell -
The Afterlife Experiments
Gary Schwartz -
The Truth About Medium
Gary Schwartz -
How Not To Review Mediumship Research: Understanding the Ultimate Reviewer's Mistake
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. -
The Sacred Promise: How Science Is Discovering Spirit's Collaboration with Us in Our Daily Lives
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. -
The Paranormal - Is Normal: The Science Validation to Reincarnation, Your Immortality and the Paranormal
Alastair Bruce Scott-Hill, B.E. (Elect) -
The Scole Experiment
Grant Solomon -
After Death or Letters From Julia
Hon. William T. Stead -
Future Life: as Described and Portrayed by Spirits thru Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet
Elizabeth Sweet -
Psychics and Mediums - A Manual and Bibliography for Students
Gertrude Ogden Tubby, B.S. -
Life in Two Spheres or Scenes in the Summerland
Hudson Tuttle -
Mediumship and its Laws, its Conditions and Cultivation
Hudson Tuttle -
Reaching to Heaven
James Van Praagh -
Visits From Heaven
Josie Varga -
Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers
Swami Bhakta Vishita -
The Case of Lester Coltman
Lillian Walbrook -
A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment
Edward Walter Wallis -
The Heavenly Spheres
Martha Washington -
Across the Unknown
Stewart Edward White -
The Betty Book
Stewart Edward White -
The Road I Know
Stewart Edward White -
The Stars Are Still There
Stewart Edward White -
The Unobstructed Universe
Stewart Edward White -
With Folded Wings
Stewart Edward White -
A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife - 4th Edition
Victor Zammit