The Four Elements of Change
Heather Ash -
Singing To The Plants - Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon
Stephan V. Beyer -
The Shaman & Ayahuasca
Don Jose Campos -
The Eagles Gift
Carlos Casteneda -
Journey to Ixtlan
Carlos Casteneda -
The Second Ring of Power
Carlos Casteneda -
A Separate Reality
Carlos Casteneda -
Tales of Power
Carlos Casteneda -
The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Carlos Casteneda -
Plant Spirit Medicine
Eliot Cowan -
Psychedelic Shaminism - The Cultivation, Preparation and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants
Jim DeKorne -
Beyond 2012 - A Shaman's Call To Personal Change ...
James Endredy -
Astrology of the Heart: Astro-Shamanism
Michael Erlewine -
Reiki Shamanism - A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing
Jim PathFinder Ewing -
Earth Magic - Ancient Shamanic Wisdom
Steven D. Farmer -
Ayahuasca in My Blood - 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming
Peter Gorman -
The Way of the Shaman
Michael Harner -
Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 1 - Walking Between the Worlds
Phil Hine -
Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 2 - Two Worlds & Inbetween
Phil Hine -
Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 3 - Touched by Fire
Phil Hine -
Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide
Sandra Ingerman -
Neolithic Shamanism - Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition
Raven Kaldera -
Shamanic Guide to Death and Dying
Kristin Madden -
The Way of the Corporate Shaman
Bill Jason O'Mara -
Shamanism - Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena
Robert M. Place -
One with the Drum - A Shamanic Journey to the Soul
Anna l. Raimondi -
Shamanic Reiki - Expanded Ways of Working with Universal Life Force Energy
Llyn Roberts -
The Sacred Path Workbook
Jamie Sams -
Robert Kirk Walker Between Worlds
R.J. Stewart -
The Andean Codex
J.E. Williams -
Shamanism - A Biopsychosocial Paradigm of Consciousness and Healing
Michael Winkelman -
Shaman, Saiva and Sufi
R.O. Winstedt