Writer Collections P-S
The Astral World
Swami Panchadasi -
Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
Swami Panchadasi -
The Human Aura
Swami Panchadasi -
Enthusiasm Makes The Difference
Norman Vincent Peale -
Inspiring Messages For Daily Living
Norman Vincent Peale -
The Power of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale -
Power of the Plus Factor
Norman Vincent Peale -
You Can If You Think You Can
Norman Vincent Peale -
The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality Joseph Chilton Pearce
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Split minds and meta-realities
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
Magic in Theory and Practice Book 4 (4 parts) Meditation,Magick,Law
Frater Perdurabo (Aleister Crowley) -
2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl
Daniel Pinchbeck -
Breaking Open
Daniel Pinchbeck -
Darklore Volume 1
Daniel Pinchbeck -
Flashes of Light from The Spirit-Land thru the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant
Allen Putnam -
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, Witchcraft, and Miracle
Allen Putnam -
Spirit Works: Real But Not Miraculous - A Lecture Read at the City Hall in Roxbury, Mass
Allen Putnam -
Witchcraft of New England Explained by Modern Spiritualism
Allen Putnam, Esq. -
Beyond Earthway
Mary Summer Rain -
Daybreak The Dawning Ember
Mary Summer Rain -
Dreamwalker - The Path of Sacred Power
Mary Summer Rain -
Mary Summer Rain -
Phantoms Afoot - Journeys into the Night
Mary Summer Rain -
Phoenix Rising - No Eyes' Vision of the Changes to Come
Mary Summer Rain -
Soul Sounds - Mourning the Tears of Truth
Mary Summer Rain -
Spirit Song: The Introduction of No-Eyes
Mary Summer Rain -
Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
Yogi Ramacharaka -
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
Yogi Ramacharaka -
The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath
Yogi Ramacharaka -
The Science of Psychic Healing
Yogi Ramacharaka -
The Revelation of Ramala
The Ramala Centre -
The Vision of Ramala
The Ramala Centre -
The Wisdom of Ramala
The Ramala Centre -
As It Was!
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Beyond The Tenth
T. Lobsang Rampa -
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Cave of the Ancients
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Chapters of Life
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Doctor from Lhasa
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Feeding the Flame
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Hermit
T. Lobsang Rampa -
I Believe
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Living with the Lama
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Rampa Story
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Saffron Robe
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Third Eye
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Thirteenth Candle
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Three Lives
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Tibetan Sage
T. Lobsang Rampa -
T. Lobsang Rampa -
Wisdom of the Ancients
T. Lobsang Rampa -
You Forever
T. Lobsang Rampa -
A Manual of Astrology
Raphael -
The Crystal Trilogy Volume 1:Crystal Enlightenment - The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones
Katrina Raphaell -
The Crystal Trilogy Volume 2: Crystal Healing - The Therapeutic Application of Crystals and Stones
Katrina Raphaell -
The Crystal Trilogy Volume 3: The Crystalline Transmission - A Synthesis of Light
Katrina Raphaell -
The Celestine Prophecy
James Redfield -
The Celestine Vision
James Redfield -
God and the Evolving Universe
James Redfield -
The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight
James Redfield -
The Tenth Insight
James Redfield -
The Twelfth Insight - The Hour of Decision
James Redfield -
The One Year - Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment
Dr. Israel Regardie -
The Art and Meaning of Magic
Israel Regardie -
The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic
Israel Regardie -
The Golden Dawn: An Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Order Of THe Golden Dawn
Israel Regardie -
The Philosophers Stone: A Modern Comparative Approach to Alchemy from the Psychological and Magical Points of View
Israel Regardie -
What You Should Know About The Golden Dawn
Israel Regardie -
The Great Known - What Natural Science Knows of the Spiritual World
J.E. Richardson -
The Great Message - THe Lineal Key of the Great School of the Masters
J.E. Richardson -
The Great Psychological Crime, the Destructive Principle of Nature in Individual Life (Harmonic Series, Volume II)
J.E. Richardson -
The Great Work - The Constructive Principle of Nature in Individual Life
J.E. Richardson -
Self-Unfoldment (2 Volume Set)
J.E. Richardson -
My Experiences While Out Of My Body and My Return After Many Days
Cora L.V. Richmond -
The nature of spiritual existence, and spiritual gifts, given through the mediumship of Mrs. Cora L.V. Richmond
Cora L.V. Richmond -
Spiritual Spheres - Four Lectures Delivered Through Trance Mediumship
Cora L.V. Richmond -
Awaken the Giant WIthin
Anthony Robbins -
Notes From A Friend - A Quick and Simple Guide to Taking Charge of Your Life
Anthony Robbins -
The Power to Influence - The Sales Mastery Course Backtrack Notes
Anthony Robbins -
Unlimited Power - The New Science of Personal Achievement
Anthony Robbins -
Messages from the Hollow Earth
Dianne Robbins -
Telos - Original Transmissions from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta
Dianne Robbins -
Telos - The Call Goes Out from The Hollow Earth and the Underground Cities
Dianne Robbins -
The Coming of Seth
Jane Roberts -
Dreams Evolution, and Value Fulfillment - Volume 1
Jane Roberts -
Dreams Evolution, and Value Fulfillment - Volume 2
Jane Roberts -
The individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Jane Roberts -
The Magical Approach - Seth Speaks about the Art of Creative Living
Jane Roberts -
The Nature of Personal Reality
Jane Roberts -
The Nature of the Psyche
Jane Roberts -
The Seth Material
Jane Roberts -
Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
Jane Roberts -
The Unknown Reality - Volume 1
Jane Roberts -
The Unknown Reality - Volume 2
Jane Roberts -
The Way Toward Health
Jane Roberts -
The Book of the Seniors - A Magickal Record
Benjamin Rowe -
Comselha: An Enochian Macrocosmic Ritual
Benjamin Rowe -
Enochian Magick Reference
Benjamin Rowe -
Enochian Temples
Benjamin Rowe -
Enochian Temples: A Ritual for the Consecration of the Temple of the FIre Tablet
Benjamin Rowe -
A Modified Hexagram Ritual for Enochian Workings
Benjamin Rowe -
Theurgia Goetia Book II of the Lemegeton
Benjamin Rowe (ed) -
Ars Paulina (The Pauline Art) Book III of the Lemegeton
Benjamin Rowe (transcribed) -
Ars Almadel Part IV of the Lemegeton
Benjamin Rowe (transcriber) -
The Ars Nova Book V of the Lemegeton
Benjamin Rowe (transcriber) -
The Law of One: Book 1 - The RA Material by Ra, An Humble Messenger of the Law of One
Carla Rueckert (channeler) -
The Law of One: Book 2 - The RA Material by Ra, An Humble Messenger of the Law of One
Carla Rueckert (channeler) -
The Law of One: Book 3 - The RA Material by Ra, An Humble Messenger of the Law of One
Carla Rueckert (channeler) -
The Law of One: Book 4 - The RA Material by Ra, An Humble Messenger of the Law of One
Carla Rueckert (channeler) -
The Law of One: Book 5 - The RA Material by Ra, An Humble Messenger of the Law of One
Carla L. Rueckert (channeler) -
The Age of Innocence
Walter Russell -
The Bending of the Twig
Walter Russell -
The Book of Early Whisperings
Walter Russell -
Caring for Your Physical & Spiritual Health (talk given 1951)
Walter Russell -
The Dawn of a New Day in Human Relations (talk given 1951)
Walter Russell -
The Electric Nature of the Universe (talk given 1936)
Walter Russell -
The Fifth Kingdom Man (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
Genius Inherent In Everyone (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
The Immortality of Man (talk given 1944)
Walter Russell -
The Meaning and Acquisition of Wealth (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1
Walter Russell -
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 2
Walter Russell -
A New Concept of the Universe
Walter Russell -
The Quest of the Grail (unfinished manuscript)
Walter Russell -
The Russell Genero-Radiative Concept or The Cyclic Theory of Continuous Motion
Walter Russell -
The Sculptor Searches for Mark Twain's Immortality (talk given 1934)
Walter Russell -
The Sea Children
Walter Russell -
The Secret of Light
Walter Russell -
The Secret of Working Knowingly with God (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
The Self Multiplication Principle (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
Space and the Hydrogen Age (talk given 1939)
Walter Russell -
Think: The First Principle of Business Ethics
Walter Russell -
The Universal One - Volume 1 - First Principles
Walter Russell -
Your Day and Night (excerpt from The Message of the Divine Iliad)
Walter Russell -
Atomic Suicide?
Walter and Lao Russell -
The One-World Purpose
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 1 - Lessons 1-4
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 2 - Lessons 5-8
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 3 - Lessons 9-12
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 4 - Lessons 13-16
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 5 - Lessons 17-20
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 6 - Lessons 21-24
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 7 - Lessons 25-28
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 8 - Lessons 29-32
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 9 - Lessons 33-36
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 10 - Lessons 37-40
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 11 - Lessons 41-44
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 12 - Lessons 45-48
Walter and Lao Russell -
The World Crisis: Its Explanation and Solution
Walter and Lao Russell -
Exploring Wicca
Lady Sabrina -
Wiccan Magick for Beginners
Lady Sabrina -
The Witch's Master Grimoire
Lady Sabrina -
Carl Sagan -
The Cosmic Connection
Carl Sagan -
Carl Sagan -
The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence
Carl Sagan -
The Angels' Message to Humanity: Ascension to Divine Union-Powerful Enochian Magick
Betty and Gerald Schueler -
Coming into the Light: Ritual of Egyptian Magick
Gerald and Betty Schueler -
Enochian Magic: A Practical Manual
Gerald and Betty Schueler -
The Enochian Tarot: A New System of Divination for a New Age
Gerald and Betty Schueler -
The Enochian Workbook: A Complete Guide to Angelic Magic Presented in 43 Easy Lessons
Gerald and Betty Schueler -
Enochian Yoga
Gerald and Betty Schueler -
The Truth About Enochian Magick
Gerald and Betty Schueler -
Esoterism & Symbol
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz -
Symbol and the Symbolic - Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz -
The Temple in Man - Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz -
The Afterlife Experiments
Gary Schwartz -
The G.O.D. Experiments
Gary Schwartz -
The Truth About Medium
Gary Schwartz -
The Energy Healing Experiments
Gary E. Schwartz -
How Not To Review Mediumship Research: Understanding the Ultimate Reviewer's Mistake
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. -
The Sacred Promise: How Science Is Discovering Spirit's Collaboration with Us in Our Daily Lives
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. -
Idra Rabba Qadusha Greater Holy Assembly
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Sefer HaZohar -
Idra Zuta Qadusha Lesser Holy Assembly
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Sefer HaZohar -
Sifra Detzniyutha Book of That Which is Concealed
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Sefer HaZohar -
The Basis of Scripture Prophecy
Sepharial -
Hebrew Astrology - The Key to the Study of Prophesy
Sepharial -
The Kabala of Numbers
Sepharial -
The Law of Values - An Exposition of the Primary Causes of Stock and Share Fluctuations
Sepharial -
A Manual of Occultism
Sepharial -
New Dictionary of Astrology
Sepharial -
Primary Directions Made Easy
Sepharial -
The Science of Foreknowledge
Sepharial -
The Solar Epoch
Sepharial -
Soul Mind Body Medicine
Zhi Gang Sha -
Zhi Gang Sha -
Zhi Gang Sha -
Book I of the Earth Chronicles - The 12th Planet
Zecharia Sitchin -
Book II of the Earth Chronicles - The Stairway to Heaven
Zecharia Sitchin -
Book III of the Earth Chronicles - The Wars of Gods and Men
Zecharia Sitchin -
Book V of the Earth Chronicles - When Time Began
Zecharia Sitchin -
Book VI of the Earth Chronicles - The Cosmic Code
Zecharia Sitchin -
Book VII of the Earth Chronicles - The End of Days
Zecharia Sitchin -
Divine Encounters - A Guide to Visions, Angels, and Other Emissaries
Zecharia Sitchin -
Genesis Revisited
Zecharia Sitchin -
The Lost Book of Enki
Zecharia Sitchin -
There Were Giants Upon The Earth - Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA
Zecharia Sitchin -
Kundalini Yoga
Sri Swami Sivananda -
Practical Lessons in Yoga
Sri Swami Sivananda -
The Science of Pranayama
Sri Swami Sivananda -
Thought Power
Sri Swami Sivananda -
Brahma Sutras
Swami Sivananda -
After Death or Letters From Julia
Hon. William T. Stead -
The Blue Island - Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil
W.T. Stead -
Astral Projection
Brad Steiger -
Atlantis Rising
Brad Steiger -
ESP Your Sixth Sense - A New Look At Man's Invisible Bridge to the Unknown
Brad Steiger -
Totems - The Transformative Power of Your Personal Animal Totem
Brad Steiger -
Cosmic Memory
Rudolf Steiner -
Discussions with Teachers
Rudolf Steiner -
The Fourth Dimension
Rudolf Steiner -
The Gates of Knowledge
Rudolf Steiner -
Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path
Rudolf Steiner -
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment
Rudolf Steiner -
Mystics of the Renaissance
Rudolf Steiner -
Theosophy - An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in Human Life and in the Cosmos
Rudolf Steiner -
Theosophy - An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man
Rudolf Steiner -
Message From The Pleiades 1 - The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier
Wendelle Stevens -
Message From The Pleiades 2 - The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier
Wendelle Stevens -
Message From The Pleiades 3 - The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier
Wendelle Stevens -
Message From The Pleiades 4 - The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier
Wendelle Stevens -
Physical UFO Contact in the Early 60ths After Initial Radio Contact
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Andromeda
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Coma Berenesis - THe Paul Villa Story
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Planet Arian of Aldebaron
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Planet Baavi in Proxima Centauri of the Centaurus Group
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact From Planet Iarga
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Planet Koldas
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Planet Norca - The Shocking Truth
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Planet Ummo - 14 Lightyears Away - A Perfect Case?
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from the Pleiades - A Preliminary Investigation Report
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from the Pleiades - A Supplementary Investigation Report
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact From The Pleiades Volume 1
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact From The Pleiades Volume 2
Wendelle Stevens -
UFO Contact from Planet Acart - From Utopia to Reality by Artur Berlet
Wendelle Stevens (translator) -
History of Salem Witchcraft: A Review of Charles W. Upham's Great Work
Harriet Beecher Stowe -
Poganuc People: Their Loves and Lives
Harriet Beecher Stowe -
The Salem Witchcraft, The Planchette Mystery, and Modern Spiritualism, with Dr. Doddridges Dream
Harriet Beecher Stowe -
Penetration - The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
Ingo Swann -
Secrets of Power Vol 1
Ingo Swann -
Secrets of Power Vol 2
Ingo Swann -
Arcana Coelestia the Heavenly Arcana (Volume 1)
Emanual Swedenborg -
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
Emanuel Swedenborg -
Heaven and Hell
Emanuel Swedenborg -
Heaven and its Wonders and Hell from Things Heard and Seen
Emanuel Swedenborg