Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft
by William Frederick Poole
The Mather Papers. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Tol. VIII. Fourth Scries. Boston: Wiggin and Lunt. 1868. 8vo. 2, Salem Witchcraft; with an Account of Salem Village and aH istory ofO pinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Suhjects. By Charles W. Upham. Boston :W iggin and Lunt. 1867. 2. vols. 8vo. 8. The New England Tragedies. I. John Endicott. U. GU cs Corey of theS alem Farms. By Henry Wadsworth LokgFELLOW. Boston: Ticknor andF ields. 1868. 12mo. 4. TJ ie New England Tragedies in Prose. I. Tlte Coming of the Quakers. II. Tlie Witchcraft Delusion. By Rowland H. A llen. Boston: Nichols and Noyes. 1869. 12mo 6. The Edinlurgh Review, July, 1868. No. CCLXI. A rt. I. Salem WitchcrafL Nearly two centuries have passed away since the saddest tragedy of early New England history was enacted atS alem andS alem Village. Instead of fading out from the memory of men, the incidents of Salem Witchcraft are receiving more attention to-day than at any former period. Tlie fact of its being the last great exhibition of a superstition which had cursed humanity for thousands of years, and that every incident connected with it has been preserved in the form of record, deposition, or narrative, impaits to it a peculiar interest, and one which will be permanent.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)