Three Lives
by T. Lobsang Rampa
OF BODY AND SOUL! ARE WE TRUE SPIRITUAL BEINGS? This book contains a lifetime of valuable information on all aspects of the occult by the one writer who has turned on millions of individuals to the mystical side of life in Tibet. T. Lobsang Rampa delves deep into the magical realm of the human soul and its immortality. He speaks of life on the other side of the veil that so few know the TRUTH about. This is a book that all students of the Tibetan sage will come to cherish. It contains information NOT found in any of his other popular works. * * * * * Many who have undergone a near death experience have asked: “Oh bodies, oh bodies. . .indeed, if we are souls why do we have these bodies? What do we need them for?” Declares the popular Third Eye author: “This book is NOT fiction!” So says the popular author of The Third Eye, The Hermit, Tibetan Sage and over twenty additional best sellers. “Of course, we can readily agree that some of the words in the book about life on this world are artistic license, but accept my statement that EVERYTHING about the life on The Other Side is definitely true. “Some people are born with great musical talent; some people are born with great artistic talent, they can paint and captivate the world. Other people may be highly gifted through their own hard work and assiduous devotion to study. I have little in the material side of this world -- no car; no television, no this and no that, and for twenty-four hours a day I am confined to bed because, for one thing, I am paraplegic with no use of my legs. This has given me great opportunity for increasing talents or abilities which were granted to me at birth. “I can do everything I write about in any of my books except walk! I have the ability to do astral travel and because of my studies and, I suppose, because of a peculiar quirk in my make-up, I am able to astral travel to other planes of existence. “The characters in this book are people who have lived and died on this world, and because of special provisions I have been able to follow their Flights into the Unknown. Everything in this book about the After Life is utterly true, therefore I will not label the book as fiction.” Lobsang Rampa