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Living with the Lama

Living with the Lama
by T. Lobsang Rampa

THIS WORK IS PROOF THAT ANIMALS ARE NOT THE 'DUMB CREATURES' MANY PEOPLE MAKE THEM OUT TO BE! This book is NOT a work of fiction, but was transmitted to the author via mental telepathy from his pet cat -- yes! you read that correctly. "You've gone off your head Feef," said the Lama. "Who will believe YOU wrote a book?" He smiled down at me adn rubbed under my chin in just the way I liked best before he left the room on some business. I sat and pondered. "Why should I NOT write a book? I thought. True, that I am a Cat, but not an ordinary cat. Oh dear! No! I am a Siamese Cat who has traveled far and seen much. "Seen?" Well of course. I am quite blind now, and have to rely on the Lama to tell me of the present scene, but I have my memories! Of course, I am old, very old indeed, and not a little infirm, but is that not good reason why I should put on paper the events of my life, while I am able? Here, then, is my version of Living with the Lama, and the happiest days of my life; days of sunshine after a lifetime of shadows.

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