Grimoirium Imperium or The Book of the Old Spirits being The Book of the Law and Practices of the Sleeping Dead
by Dr. John Dee
When in his poverty in the year of our Lord 1606, the great astrologer Dr. John Dee was forced to sell many of his treasured books. Amongst those which he sold was this book, the greatest grimoire of the most powerful spells to conjure demons more fierce than those that Solomon imprisoned. We must warn the karcist to take care while reading this book - read it always within a circle and make the sign of the cross after each page - otherwise demons from every altitude and sphere shall be attracted to you indefinitely.
Excerpt from Introduction:
This is the book of powerful conjurations and subjugations of demons and Gods which dwell in far away places, places which are past north and south, east and west, up and down, places which are even beyond the Earth and the farthest planets, places which are far from the creation of God. The secrets which I shall tell of were not learned until late in my life, when in 1601 I started to translate a manuscript which I had owned for many years, but had not cared much for. I cared not for it because it was given to me by the fraudulent Barnabas Saul as a present to me so that we should part as friends, despite the lies and deceptions he had told to me. I received the manuscript from Saul in 1581 and I kept it in my library for many years and would have given it to anyone who asked for it, that was how little I cared for it - oh, how glad I am that I did not part with it, for now I realise how important the text is!