The Dark Side of the Moon - A Complete Course in Magic & Witchcraft
by Basil E. Crouch
The data in this book is authentic, many of the ceremonies were undertaken by young female witches and male students of the occult, under the supervision of an Occult Master. The results they established, and which are recorded in this book, can be achieved by anyone, providing that they have nerve, patience and the ability to carry out the written instructions exactly.
The phenomena, or magic, is the result of a certain phase of mind. The ceremonies help to achieve this, much sought after, state of mind. It can only come through practice, incantation or ritual.
In very rare cases it can be spontaneously evoked by the subconscious mind. However, such spontaneous action can not be controlled, which is dangerous, whereas the achievement of the necessary phase of mind, through ceremony, is the result of a disciplined mind that is under control at all times.