The Catholic Church and Secret Societies
by Rev. Peter Rosen
In every secret society of "good financial standing" these "select few" are Freemasons. From the timber, they find most suitable for their purpose, they recruit the ranks and file of Freemasonry. Thus Freemasonry is the mother in fact as well as in name of all secret societies; they emanate from it and in their end object, return to it, making possible the great strength of this enemy of the Catholic Church. Thus an edict from the head of Freemasonry reaches all those members of any secret society who have shown the necessary qualification and in this way united action is assured. No Catholic will ever be allowed to belong to the "select few" because he is not trusted. If he is a traitor to the church of his mother, we cannot trust him; when death is near he will, generally, prefer the Pope and his Priest to our friendship, and he may tell all he knows; therefore, "not all must be told to all" and we Masons prefer to "know our own." Such and similar remarks were made to me by friends who belong to Freemasonry. In other words, Catholics who join the Masonic Orders, or any secret society, are considered fit for swelling the ranks and the coffer, and the votes on election day, and are despised by their very so-called Masonic or lodge brethren.
When the Odd-Fellows and Good-Templars established lodges in the United States, the question was raised, whether these Orders were included in the above condemnation be Leo. XII. To settle the controversy, the Archbishop of Philadelphia, Most Rev. F.P. Kenrick, under the date of Feb. 26, 1848, asked the Prefect of the Propaganda for a decision. After a lengthy correspondence from different sides, and the Roman Authority having obtained all available information, Cardinal J.Ph. Fransoni, under the date Sept. 7, 1850, replied that these societies were included in the letter of Leo. XII, and consequently, no Catholic could join them or remain a member.
Sample of Contents:
--Secret Societies--Danger to the State--Freemasonry and the Church--The Devil--Heresies--Pythagoras--The Oath in Secret Societies--Initiation into Secret Societies--Signs, Symbols, and Ceremonies--The Five Pillars in the Lodge Room--The Blazing Star, Cross, Square and Compass--The Magi--The Ancient Druids--The Orangemen--The Carbonari--The Odd-Fellows--The Knights of Pythias--The Modern Woodmen of America--Improved Order of Redmen--Foresters--The Elks--Order of the Red Cross--College Secret Societies----and more.