Melanin: A Key To Freedom
by Richard King, M.D.
A Study of ancient African history reveals an early African definition of the human Melanin System as a whole body Black Melanin System that serves as the eye of the soul to produce inner vision, true spiritual consciousness, creative genius, beatific vision, to become Godlike, and to have conversation with the immortals (Ancestors).
The purpose of ancient African education was to provide knowledge and development of the will of the student that allowed salvation (freedom) of the soul from the fetters (chains) of the physical body (George G. M. James, Stolen Legacy The Study Of Melanin) in the human form and throughout nature is a precious key that will unlock the chains of mental slavery that presently imprison the minds of African people throughout the world.
Please consider this study of Melanin to be but an introduction, one grain of sand on one beach of knowledge that is composed of many different sandy shorelines that all border on the same vast ocean of "Melanin Mediated Life".
A future proper consideration of the subject of Melanin will address the major broad sub sections of the "Melanin Life Ocean" in the forms of:
- (1) Cosmic Melanin (Melanin Complex Organic Molecules in Interstellar Gas Clouds in Galaxy Central Disc Regions),
- (2) Planetary Melanin,
- (3) Plant Kingdom Melanin (Chlorophyll Photo pigment Equivalents), and
- (4) Animal Kingdom Melanin.
Accordingly. this overview is focused upon just one of these four major Melanin sub sections. Animal Kingdom Melanin, particularly within the Species Homo Sapien, adolescent neophyte Humanity. Special reference is given to the epigenetic evolutionary potential within Humanity, to become an adult, "Son of Light, Christ," "Melanin ascended Transformation," or "Homo Maximus" stage of Intelligent/Perfect/Unity with Light, Adult, Master Adult, Adept, Angelic Immortal Humanity.
The Study Of Melanin in the human form and throughout nature is a precious key that will unlock the chains of mental slavery that presently imprison the minds of African people throughout the world.