Exposition Of The Hieroglyphical Figures
by Nicholas Flammel
Which He Caused to be Painted Upon an Arch in St. Innocents Church Yard in Paris. Only 100 copies of this elusive book were ever printed until now! Introduction by W.W. Westcott. Flammel was certainly one of the most captivating figures in alchemy. Because he mastered the art of alchemy, his vast wealth and charities surpassed anything known in his time. Contained in this vary rare book is the symbolism and allusions to the inner meanings contained within the powerful symbols that yielded their ancient secrets to him. Many alchemists insist that this is one of the most important alchemical works ever written. Long out-of-print, it's reprinting will satisfy the yearning for those seeking the Philosopher's Stone. (Due to the age and scarcity of this rare book, some of the pages are light although the text is readable.