Power of Will
by Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D.
My first recommendation is to carefully and methodically read the book from beginning to end. Do not skip about, but take each lesson in regular order. Mentally absorb as much of what you read as you can, marking in the margins, or making other note of such paragraphs or sections as afford instructions which you feel particular need of. Return to them later on.
Try each day to put into practical use in your personal affairs and your associations with other people, the principles you have found in the lessons.
As you come to the lessons in Sense Culture, beginning on page 127, do not "peter out" and allow your original resolution to develop will power to be balked, just because there are some exercises.
Remember this, all that you will ever know in this world, every iota of knowledge you will ever possess, comes to you through your Five Senses. A child without Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste or Smell never would gain any knowledge, it would be but a physical machine absolutely devoid of the ability to know, think, reason or understand.
Therefore, the greatest opportunity in your life is the opportunity to learn how to make your five senses yield you greater brain powers. And to this end Dr. Haddock has in the second division, "The WILL and SENSE CULTURE," given you the most elaborate and successful exercises ever arranged to multiply the powers of your Senses, through which your knowledge and success may be enhanced.